Manuscript Evaluation
Big-Picture Feedback on the Story
A manuscript evaluation is a small-scale developmental edit that provides broad feedback in a revision letter.
I focus on big-picture elements of your story and identify what areas could be improved, suggesting the best ways to fix any issues that are present.
I look at character development, plot, point of view, among other things, to see what could get in the way of the reader’s experience.
Affordable big-picture feedback
If you’re interested in developmental editing but you’re on a tight budget, manuscript evaluation may be the right option for you.
It can be a good substitute when you want big-picture editing but can’t afford a full developmental edit or want to save most of your money for copyediting.
Editing early in the writing process
I do most of my manuscript evalutations for completed manuscripts. However, the broad feedback of a manuscript evaluation can also work well for manuscripts that are still in the early writing stages.
It’s a good choice if you want some basic feedback to make sure your novel is on the right track, but you don’t need detailed line-by-line recommendations yet.
What it looks like:
- You send me your manuscript as a Word document
- We discuss what areas you’re most interested in getting feedback for
- I send back a revision letter letter that gives feedback on the manuscript as a whole and explains the most important areas to focus on and how to go about your revision process
Additional Marketing & Publishing Help
I don't just want to make your book better; I also want to help you sell it, whether directly to readers or to a publisher.
All my edits for self-publishers include blurb editing and Amazon keyword research at no extra cost. I also provide some marketing advice, coaching, and moral support through the self-publishing process.
All of my edits for authors who plan to pursue traditional publishing include query editing at no extra cost as well as advice and moral support.
Most editors don't offer these services, and those that do can be difficult to find.
There are people who offer these as standalone services, but those people haven't read your full manuscript and therefore can't advise you to the level that I'm able to.
Not what you’re looking for?
If you want more thorough big-picture feedback that includes comments on the manuscript itself, consider a developmental edit. Or if you want a different type of editing that polishes your writing, check out the other services that I offer or my article on choosing the right type of editing.